Sunday, April 29, 2007

Toxic Algae Blooms

Neurotoxins in algae are killing unprecedented numbers of marine mammals this spring.

A cloud of what has been termed domoic acid can not only gas to death sea life, but can endanger human life also. The catch is the algae, which produce the toxin, are naturally occurring.

However, the algae’s presence has skyrocketed in recent seasons due to human-induced, concentrated pollution and destabilization of natural ecosystems from over harvesting and development.

Marine mammals are directly impacted by domoic acid. Whales, sea lions, birds, and even domestic animals are having seizures and becoming paralyzed when introduced to the toxin via the food chain or from offshore winds that carry the poison into an animal’s respiratory system.

In a Press Telegram article, USC biology professor David Caron said, "This year is through the roof in terms of the amounts of toxins" found at local offshore testing stations.

The article cites, “The highest levels were found at two stations just outside San Pedro's breakwater in the Port of Los Angeles, where scientists recorded more than 1 million cells per liter – ‘an exceptionally high level,’ Caron said.”

Caron is talking about Long Beach.

Long Beach, Calif. has a major pollution problem, girdled by two cement-encased rivers, the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers, which deliver far more garbage than sediment into San Pedro Bay every minute. The pollution destroys the balance of the natural environment, killing other organisms that keep the primitive algae in check. This situation is not unique to Long Beach, however.

If you see marine mammals acting strangely, call the Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro, Calif. (310) 548-5677.

Press Telegram article:

L.A. Times article:,1,3182490.story

National Geographic article:

Updated Press Telegram article: