Friday, April 27, 2007

Speaking of Oil:

Blame it on the pipeline, blame it on Paramount Petroleum, and blame it on oxidation. But don’t blame underwater oil drilling…

An estimated 15 barrels of crude oil leaked out of a Paramount Petroleum oil pipeline near Pier C on Terminal Island Friday, April 27, 2007. That is roughly 630 gallons of oil dumped into the harbor water.

Imagine dumping 630 gallons of 2 percent milk into the Belmont Plaza Pool, except this was oil; it floats on water and radiates a rainbow sheen that can wreak havoc on all ocean organisms it comes in contact with.

Nearly 340 of these gallons apparently leaked into the Pier C storm drain and 120 gallons flowed into the open water before the pipeline leak was detected and stopped, according to Press Telegram source Coast Guard Lt. P.J. Jacquelin.

It makes since that this was a front page Press Telegram article on Friday. Every oil spill is a dark cloud on the industry of oil and the environment alike. This particular spill was the second in a week – the previous one dumping 210 gallons of diesel fuel into the harbor near San Pedro.

California Department of Fish and Game officials monitored the effect of the spill on nearby wildlife but reported no noticeable harm yet.

Oil drilling is certainly a dangerous, risky endeavor. Mistakes and mishaps are expensive and hazardous, especially when your company is to blame for them.

Press Telegram articles:

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